The WebMagic portfolio includes some of the most important
Domains on the Internet

Feature Site

The International Arcade Museum

The International Arcade Museum® (IAM) and Killer List of Videogames®
at Museum of the Game®is the world's largest educational center focusing
on the art, inventions, science, and history of the amusement, coin-operated
machine, game, and videogame industries.

Feature Site

eFootage - Historic Stock Film Licensing Library

eFootage - Historic Stock Film Licensing Library more.
Its holdings include over a millions stock footage clips.
(contemporary and vintage) Specializing in news, industrial, and
eFootage is a premier HD, film and video stock footage archive

WebMagic has been a leading house of Internet innovation since 1994. From our portfolio of web sites which have received over a billion page views, to WebMagic Pro lines of commerce software and hardware solutions, to corporate services, we continually leverage cutting-edge technologies to give our ventures and our clients a competitive edge.